Tuesday 26 February 2013

The frustration of unemployment

I must say I HATE it, yes that is right I hate being unemployed.  I hate getting up every morning getting my little one off to school to then walk the dog and feel totally completely and utterly worthless, useless, undervalued and not good enough.  That’s right I said “Not good enough.”  I feel that way because of all the interviews I have had all the letters sent out and not one person/employer will just take a chance on me.  It isn’t like I am stupid far from it; it isn’t like I am not educated far from that too.  It isn’t like I am ugly; apparently I am pretty, and something I just don’t care too much about. It isn’t like I am useless, lazy, unreliable, tardy, and unresponsive and lack skills.  In fact I am the opposite of all of this, yes that is right I am the opposite.  I am hard working, reliable, efficient, organised, great with people and communication skills, great negotiation skills, get on with literally everyone, can use a computer rather well with a lot of advanced skills, communicate efficiently and effectively, can write a mean report, can make the complicated uncomplicated and can even show people how to do things. Soooooo you ask as I do, Why on this green earth am I unemployed??? I truthfully have no damn idea with the exception that I am NOT 18; I am almost 40 and haven’t got much experience in 8yrs since having my child. Yep I said almost 40 and a Mum.  I can’t think of anything else that it is.  The last lot of experience I did was in 2009 for a whole year at a Public School as a Teacher’s Aide (Special), I’ve even had the teacher I worked with ask me when I’m coming back over the years and that she has missed having me.
I’ve hunted for work over the 5 years since being relocated by family court order.  Yes I have one of those and I had to fight like hell just to be able to move 2hrs from the little-uns father.  He fought like hell against it but in the end, due to family support here and family violence on the EX;’s part I relocated.  It took me almost 6yrs to be able to relocate so I don’t plan on doing it again for work, so here in this small town I am to stay.

I have been for a few interviews: One job I really wanted and it was actually with my job network provider and I thought I had it I really did.  They were really impressed with me and then I got the call, for some reason I knew I didn’t get it.  They told me I interviewed really well but I was just so down I just said thanks and hung up.  The next time I spoke to my Case Manager I was told the interviewer said I didn’t interview well at all, so there I sat confused as hell.  I stated that that was not what the interviewer told me so what the heck is it??  I landed another job interview after that and could not get her (the interviewers) words to my Case Manager out of my head, I knew I stuffed it totally and I did, no luck with that job either sigh.  Back speaking with my Case Manager a few months later and I let them know I could not get those comments out of my head particularly as previously I thought I was interviewing well, previous interviewers even said they were impressed they just put someone on with more experience than me.  Sigh... All this is now really beginning to become rather disheartening, particularly so as I have been shoved onto Newstart and copped a massive cut.  God I HATE welfare.
Mind you the EX”s Child support apparently, does not increase but stays the same (I don’t know how they figure this since I have lost $2,000 a year what the, please explain?).  Its great having to pay for all petrol and car bills to travel 2hrs for visits on $14,000 a yr. and my EX is on $51,000 and tells the child he is broke! He doesn’t pay rent he lives with a mate who made a deal that he just does the housework (well that would be a sight he would never lift a finger to even mow the lawn!!!) and that is it….. So confuses me as to how he just pays $53 a month n then abuses me that he should not have to buy the child glasses as his support covers it. Seriously how much do you think school uniforms, books, stationary alone are!?? By the time I have all that I have actually paid more than his support and then I have to feed the child and provide for his sports and extra- curricular activities! Honestly some EX’s need to get a clue.  Anyway I digress.

Maybe I knew something a little while before the announced changes as I managed to keep the freezer stocked and put a few things in the pantry cupboard.  SO at this point we won’t starve I made sure of that.  But this does not stop the frustration or stress of unemployment and volunteering never pays the bills.  I don’t want to have to go begging to charities but I will the way this is going.  All I want is a chance to work I use to Manage a Video store and maintain a Website for a retail company before my child’s birth but apparently this is not good enough.  Arrrrr Frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh for the love of GOD would someone employ me PLEASE.  I don’t like feelings under-valued, worthless, not a member of society and just downright lousy.  I’m not the type to get depressed I guess I am lucky there, but I sure can see how society makes us feel that way and how Centrelink and society makes us feel like we are just bludgers and frowns down upon us… It’s not fair and I hate it…. Will someone give me a go??????????

When I think about all of this as well, and after speaking to a few employed people in different sectors, the pressure that is on a person just too even keep their job is unreal.  The inclusion of things like KPI’s for example and if the person does not meet these each month then after some reprimanding they call it, retraining, the employee is often booted AKA FIRED!!! It has become so crazy it is unreal.  Then hearing how some Managers, Principals and the like are akin to Hitler, well what chance does anyone stand really?  The pressure to perform then is beyond astounding.  After studying Front Line Management I can see this anyway particularly with all the Policies and Procedures.  I understand their use and they can often be of benefit but when some Managers just use it beyond the point of its purpose and quite almost abusively so this is wrong.  Whatever happened to the good ole days of Loyalty and long term employment because you did the job? A thing of the past.
Well I must say the way it is going I think I will be working for myself with something that I love and I know it may take a while to get it all set in networked and grounded but at least I don’t have to stress out over KPI’s and the potential loss of my job if I am not giving my all and more. 
At the end of the day and after troweling for jobs and applying for whatever  I can.  I am left defeated, disheartened, lost, frustrated, worried and confused.   These feelings are not good to have while going and collecting said child from school.   I want to be the positive upbeat person I have always been but OMG has life thrown a curve ball this way...